R.I.P., NYPD Det Jason Rivera
At 22 year old one is considered a young adult, with limited life experience, a lot to learn, and a full life ahead. Yet, this young adult, NYPD Det Jason Rivera, had accomplished more in his 22 years in this world than most will ever do in their lifetimes: he had the job of his dreams, a wife, and the ambition to make a difference in the world, inspiring children and bringing communities together. However, the full life he had ahead was cut short, ironically because of the job he loved.
So goes a hero.
No golden casket, no horse-drawn carriage.
No outrage, no protests, no tearing down of neighborhoods and cities. Just the silent outrage of those who see and understand the profound injustice. Only the tearful protest of a young widow. Only the inconsolable grief of his brothers and sisters in blue.
Rest in peace, young soul. As your loving wife Dominique promised, your death won’t be in vain.
We’ll take the watch from here.